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I Really Gotta Read More

Books on Shelf “I should read more”, hands up if you’ve said that in the last year.

Me too.

Now, this isn’t me here trying to guilt you or me into picking up more books and remembering that awesome feeling of being immersed in someone else’s universe, with people that we love and love the hate. It’s just me, writing about reading and books and such.

The Boy Who Loved BatmanIn all honesty it is safe to say that I have spent more time reading comic books in the last few years that I have much else. Now, that’s not to say that I didn’t read The Hunger Games trilogy or World War Z, or The Boy Who Loved Batman, or most of the Harry Potter series on a re-read, I did. But I also haven’t just taken a look at the new book releases at Indigo and given something a shot like I did when I was a kid.

But there are books that I have thought about reading. There are books that have been recommended or have interested me at times. I thought I wanted to read Dirk Hayhurst’s work, and while I’m sure it’s just as good as some people say, I’m not feeling it right now with him on TV and radio in Toronto daily. George R. R. Martin is another name that has intrigued me since I am loving the Game of Thrones on HBO – but as novels it would be a new realm for me, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books are really the only thing that I’ve read in a fantasy climate. And that was 18 years ago.

Here’s another thing, I don’t want to read on an e-book. I know that they are all the rage and they are convenient and easy to travel with and cost effective and etc. But they aren’t a book. Give me a book with a spine to crack and the smell of the paper when it’s first opened and a bookmark made out of aTTC transfer or a receipt and I am happy.

Perhaps I need to set a goal of reading more and force myself to stick with it. I know that the more I read, the better my writing will become, I’ve seen that evidence in years past. I just need to make sure that I find inspiration from what I read and don’t copy anyone else’s style.

Here’s how we’ll start, if you have any book recommendations for me – new, old, popular or obscure – let me know in the comments or on Facebook/Twitter and I’ll start building my “To Read” list!

Thanks kids, you’re awesome!

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – Coming Soon!

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - Coming Soon! Okay… so maybe soon has been used loosely here – but that’s not my fault man. I’m excited to see OSCAR WINNER JENNIFER LAWRENCE! I wanna see Katniss kick some more ass.

There was a lot of hype for the 1st Hunger Games movie and now that we’re all in on Jennifer I think we’re going to see more hype again as November approaches. Josh Hutcherson is no slouch either. His stock is rising and his star is burning bright. Heck, he even did that Red Dawn movie with the Hemsworth brother who is Thor and not Gale.

And don’t forget that we still get Donald Sutherland, Elizabeth Banks, Woody Harrelson, Stanley Tucci, Lenny Kravitz and Philip Seymour Hoffman!

It’s a pretty awesome cast.

And the 2nd story was not bad to read.

This could be pretty darn good. And exciting. And emotional. And visually pleasing. And intense. And most of all, entertaining.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - Victory Tour PostersJust look at those 2 all shined up after they won at the 74th annual Hunger Games! Everyone is so proud and the people are so excited and there’s so much shit going on in the background and underground and a revolution is coming and the people will rise and it’s going to be fantastic!

If you still haven’t read The Hunger Games books by Suzanne Collins but you loved the 1st movie and you are excited for the Catching Fire – get out and read them. Reading is still the best way to ingest the story. Don’t rob yourself of that!

And don’t give me any of that they’re kids books crap. So was Harry Potter and so was Twilight and so many of you/us read those books that the excuse doesn’t hold any water when we’re talking about The Hunger Games now.

Note: I did not read nor have I watched any of the Twilight material. Why? Because, that’s why.

Now, when it comes to Catching Fire we’re all going to have to remember something… we need to get lost in the movie and the story. Now that we’ve seen Jennifer Lawrence in an Oscar winning role as an adult it may be a little bit harder to imagine her as an 18 year old at the head of a burgeoning revolution. But we’re going to have to if this movie is going to work. So try your best.

Especially exciting for me right how is the release of the “Official Portraits” we’ve seen in the last few days. I know that there are more coming. Probably of Cinna and President Snow and maybe more. Who knows.

I’m also excited for Johanna Mason to join the story!

There’s a lot of excitement.

And there’s enough time to go back and reread the book before the movie comes out.

I think that’s what I’m going to do.

Actually, it’s what I will do. No thinking about it really needs to happen.

We have just over 8 months until the release date. It sounds like a long time… but I’m hoping it goes by quickly!

Stay tuned for more images, posters, trailers and behind the scenes sneaks… I have a feeling that we’re going to be seeing a bunch of them. And I’m totally okay with that. More than okay with that.

It will be awesome!

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - First Portraits
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire poster

The Hunger Games – I’m Hooked And Counting Down

Saturday I was at World’s Biggest and saw The Hunger Games on a display all to itself in the middle of the floor. I wanted to grab the whole series in paperback, but could only find the 1st book (US $7.99 CAN $9.99). The entire series (3 books) were available in hard cover… but I wasn’t sure that’s what I wanted.

Until I saw the sign. (start singing Ace of Base in your head now)

The Hunger Games trilogy in hard cover, available in a set for $44.99! I couldn’t pass it up. The movie hype has been outstanding for this thing and it’s only getting bigger. And I had heard that the books were outstanding, so I had to take a chance… and so far I have not been disappointed by Suzanne Collins at all.

I am 144 pages into the first book and all I can think about is when I’m going to have it open in front of me again. In fact, I can hardly believe that I am writing this and not reading right now.

As I said, it was the movie that exposed me to the books. It wasn’t until I started seeing previews and hearing buzz that I listened when people spoke about the books.

Silly me, I should have been listening long before then.

It is well written, emotional and it is easy to see why it is such a success.

Note: I kinda like that I’ve seen the trailers with the faces of Katniss and Gale and Peeta, etc. Without knowing what will happen or all about their personalities I have a face and a voice to put with the characters that I am reading about and will soon see on screen.

The Hunger Games hits theatres on March 23 which makes it the 2nd movie that I’m excited about in the month (The Lorax) and also means my birthday gift card won’t last long.

If you haven’t heard anything about these books, start listening. If you’ve been wondering if you should check them out, start reading. And if you’ve been wondering if they’re any good, they are. But you don’t have to take my word for it… (Reading Rainbow reference complete)

Edit: I finished the 1st book last night. That’s right. I read from page 145 to 378 between the time I left the office and the time I closed my eyes to go to sleep. I read on the streetcar ride home. I ate with one hand while I read. I skipped all of my Tuesday night TV shows to read. 

It was awesome. I didn’t want to put it down. There were twists, turns, surprises and everything that I hoped there would be. Ms. Mullins did not disappoint at all. 

I started book #2 (Catching Fire) this morning!

Check the trailer. Enjoy!