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The Walking Dead Season 4, What’s Coming Next?


It’s sucky and sad that we have to wait until Sunday, February 9, 2014 for the next new episode of The Walking Dead.

However, the mid-season break does give us an opportunity to look back at what has happened and opine about what may happen moving forward.

There certainly are a lot of questions rolling around in my head.

But before we get to that, let’s take a look at some of the crazy shit that we’ve seen already in The Walking Dead Season 4.

☞ A significant percentage of the prison population was wiped out by that mysterious illness that rolled through. It was a plot point that allowed for a smaller number of people to need to flee when the real danger came.

Carol, The Walking Dead Season 4☞ Carol is on the road by herself. She has a car and supplies and weapons. With the separation of the group after the prison incident there’s a chance that Carol meets back up with some of them. There’s also a chance that she doesn’t and stars in a spin-off series on AMC.

☞ That little girl Molly has turned totally bad-ass-apocalypse-survivor. She’s the girl Carl at this point with all the not following the plan and carrying a gun and coldly shooting at walkers and saving lives. She doesn’t have a childhood left. It’s gone. And she doesn’t seem particularly concerned with anything other than being a useful member of the group.

☞ Tyreese has gone through a breakdown that may or may not be over. I have a feeling that the shoot-out has snapped him back into a “do what you’ve got to do to survive” mode. Look for his personality to fit his big body in the new episodes.

RIP Hershel, The Walking Dead Season 4☞ We’ve had to say good-bye to Hershel and The Governor. Hershel’s death was by far the most emotional in quite a while. Andrea and Lori both did things resulted in mixed feelings from the fans. T-Dog was loved, but it still wasn’t the same. Dale was a good man and when he died, that was sad. But Hershel, he was the salt of the earth. The father and grandfather. The spiritual and moral compass. His death hit like a ton of bricks.

☞ As for The Gov… well, a lot of people wanted to see that coming. The way it went down worked for me. So many people held grudges against the man that the combo-kill was a worthy ending to his life. Rick gave him all he had, Michonne gave him the katana with the kind of emotion that makes your blood boil and Lilly finished him off with the rage that a grieving mother and pissed off girlfriend can’t deny.

☞ Rick and Carl have been split from the group and believe that they have lost baby Judith to either walkers or enemies. It’s a big difference from the farming life that they were living at the start of the season and sets up an interesting 2nd half of season 4 for the Grimes men.

Rick and Carl Season 4 episode 1 and episode 8

The next half of this season is going to set up season 5 and beyond. There’s a chance that we lose more group members in the process. There’s a chance that those losses come in the form of deaths and separation from the pack.

☞ I do want to know what happened to Beth. She may not be the most central character on the show but there’s no way that Maggie can go on without her. If they aren’t together now, every move that Maggie makes will be made with 1 motivation, find and save her sister.

☞ How will Rick deal with losing Judith? He and Carl are on their own now in a situation that looks awfully familiar to Morgan and Duane… other than the fact that Carl can handle himself. If Rick doesn’t have his head on straight it will fall on Carl to protect and provide for the pair until they meet up with friends again.

☞ Will Daryl take on even more of a leadership role now? I understand that the council was working as well as possible. But with Hershel’s death, the mess that everyone’s in and the scrambling nature of the group, I think that’s fallen by the wayside.

☞ What’s Michonne’s mood going to be like? She desperately wanted her revenge on The Governor and she got it. She was becoming a stronger member of the group and now things have blown up. Will she be able to focus herself on the people that need her? I think so.

☞ Is Judith really dead? I don’t think so. I think there’s a twist there. As cold as Molly is, I don’t think that she would have abandoned the baby in the middle of the prison courtyard. My gut feeling is that Beth has her. She’s been her babysitter this whole time and takes that responsibility pretty seriously.

We’ve got 62 days to wait to see what happens next… and that’s a long time to wait for people that love this show. I trust that it’s going to be worth it.

Carl Shooting Walkers, The Walking Dead Season 4Daryl and MichonneDaryl, The Walking Dead Season 4

The Walking Dead Season 4 – Tonight on AMC!

The Walking Dead Season 4 Facebook Cover Photo

It’s back…

After months of waiting the countdown is over and there will finally be zombies back on AMC when The Walking Dead Season 4 premieres tonight at 9pm.

There are a lot of questions coming into the new season… a lot of them come from the season preview trailer.

When does the Governor come back?

Is someone hitting the prison from the inside?

Who’s the first of the group to die?

Is Rick still crazy?

How is Daryl coping with the loss of Merle?

Where did Hershel’s new leg come from?

And that’s just the start.

I’ve been checking out the AMC website for photos and such that wouldn’t spoil the 1st episode or the season for me – but still get me excited for the action. You can find their entire selection here… But here are some that I’ve pulled to share with you the easy way.

Hershel and Rick The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Tyreese TWD Season 4 Preview
Daryl and Carol The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview

Glenn and Maggie The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview

Now, I want to know a couple things based on these photos… Where the heck did Hershel get a new leg? Was there a prosthetic in Woodbury? Did someone try some experimental surgery? How hard was the rehab of learning to walk again? Is Hershel combat ready again?

Is Tyreese taking a lead role in the protection of the group? Is he mentally capable of dealing with the leadership needs in the shit storm that is coming? Can he take it without breaking down? He doesn’t like the hard, bad, mean decisions like the ones the Governor made in Season 3. Will Rick’s calls be easier to stomach in Season 4?

Will Daryl and Carol finally tell each other that they are awesome and be in love already? She clearly makes him a better human and he makes her feel good instead of bad like Ed did for so long in her life. Geez, what a no-brainer.

And are Glenn and Maggie having a baby or is that just a hug? Will Judith have a little boyfriend by the end of the season/start of 5? Is Beth going to turn into the busiest babysitter in the post-Zombie Apocalypse era?

We know that the group is much, much larger now. That means that the need for supplies has grown and we can see from the photos and videos that there is some farming going on and I’m sure more runs are being taken to search the area.

But it also means they are easier to hit and hurt. And that’s where the early conflict will come from. People will die. That’s how this show works. And it looks like Rick is going to play a little bit of detective to try and figure out who dunnit and how. The why could be a lot of things. My top guess is someone loyal to the Governor trying to take everyone down from the inside.

I don’t know about you, but I sure am ready for this season of TV zombie killing to start.

Enjoy it kids.

And before you go, here are some more pics courtesy of and The Walking Dead’s Facebook Page
Glenn and Maggie The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Daryl and Michonne The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Michonne The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Rick and Carl The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Rick and Fence Walkers The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Rick and Fence Walkers The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
The Walking Dead Cast
The Walking Dead Cast

40 Days and 40 Nights: The Walking Dead Season 4 Countdown

The Walking Dead Season 4 - AMC October 13
There are 40 days and nights remaining until AMC premieres The Walking Dead’s 4th season and ends that wait that has lasted since the season 3 finale aired on March 31, 2013. It’s been 5 long months. And we have more than 1 more to go. But, I have faith that it’s going to be worth it when the walkers and the group (along with their many new members) return to TV screens this fall.

Warning: If you aren’t caught up on The Walking Dead’s first 3 seasons, stop reading now and come back when you’re ready. This post does include spoilers.

Walkers in the Field The Walking Dead Season 4
We can see here that there will be no shortage of walkers. They will be everywhere. I don’t know if the larger group is making more noise and drawing them in. Or if the scent has wafted over time. Or heck, maybe the walkers just wandered over. Either way, they’ve got to be defended against and killed. From The Walking Dead Season 4 trailer (Comic-Con 2013) we know that at some point there is a walker situation in the prison that needs to be investigated and will likely cause casualties.

That’s sad. But to be expected. And will likely give us some tense moments before some violent moments and then some “I’m not crying, I just have something in my eye” moments.  I am not at all ready to make any predictions about who lives and who dies. But I do I have an observation based on the next image…

Daryl, Carol, Glenn, Herschel and Sasha Meeting The Walking Dead Season 4
So, observation time: In this photo of Carol, Daryl, Sasha, Glenn and Herschel sitting around having some sort of meeting it’s pretty clear to see the old farmer with 2 legs and 2 feet and 2 boots. So there’s either a little mix-up in the frames that ended up in the trailer OR Herschel got himself a prosthetic leg when the Woodbury move took place. If Herschel does have a new leg will he be suddenly more helpful and less of a liability as the group defends the prison against walkers and, presumably, The Governor or some other human threat at some point in the season.

Also, this image of 5 people having a meeting of the minds does not include Rick or Tyreese or Carl which makes me wonder what they’re talking about, what’s happened that brought them to this point and where does this meeting lead them?

Michonne and Maggie The Walking Dead Season 4
And now, some photos of some of our favourite characters. With the death of Andrea and the progression of Michonne in season 3 (especially episode 12 “Clear” when she bonds with Carl) I expect her to be “all in” with the group this season. I don’t know if she’s hurt in the image with Maggie shown above, but either way, it shows that she’s willing to be close with her and that is a good sign. Her skills and strengths are no doubt a significant piece of the group’s chance for survival.

Daryl and Carol The Walking Dead Season 4
It’s very, very, very fair to say that Daryl is the fan favourite on The Walking Dead. Everyone loves this character and his growth and bad-ass edge from the first 3 seasons. One of the questions that needs to be answered in season 4 is how much of a leader can Daryl be? If Rick does take a step back, will he take a step up. He has the skills and he’s matured and he is strong of will – 3 things that people want to stand behind. But does he want that mantle?  Time will tell.

I’m also curious to see if Carol and Daryl become a couple at some point in the season. Will it take a tense and emotional moment to bring them together, or will the evolution of their relationship just take them there? I don’t think that the audience will complain if they come together as I think they will.

Rick and Carl The Walking Dead Season 4
The last image is one of Rick and Carl. Seeing them together in the pig pen is important. It gives the immediate impression that perhaps father and son have smoothed things over. Maybe they’ve gotten back on the same page. Maybe they’ve got some mutual respect. Who knows. What we do know is that they are both going to be needed to feed the pigs and to help protect the group from the coming threats.

If you haven’t seen it yet, I’ve got The Walking Dead Season 4 trailer from Comic-Con – it’s right here for you. And if you want more from your favourite zombie infested TV show, check out the AMC website.

Get ready, there will be more goodies coming as The Walking Dead Season 4 gets closer.

The Walking Dead Season 4 – The Dead Are Coming!

The Walking Dead Season 4 Header PhotoToday at Comic-Con in San Diego AMC showed up to talk to fans about The Walking Dead‘s upcoming 4th season. 

Actors, Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Steven Yeun, Lauren Cohan, Danai Gurira, David Morrissey, Scott Wilson, and Chad Coleman were in Hall H along with creator/Executive Producer Robert Kirkman, new showrunner/Executive Producer Scott Gimple, Executive Producers Gale Anne Hurd and Dave Alpert, and Special Effects Makeup Supervisor/Executive Producer Greg Nicotero. And there to moderate it all was Talking Dead host Chris Hardwick (Nerdist).

During the panel it was announced that the 4th season will start on October 13th at 9pm EST. I’ve already memorized the date. I trust that you will too. 

But the biggest part of the entire panel was a 4 minute and 27 second video that previews the new season and will have you asking, Is It October Yet

Check it out!


So, immediately I have some questions (please remember that I haven’t read the comics) because of the video.

➵ Who is the young black man that seems to play such a big part here?
➵ Who let the walkers into D Block?
➵ Is it the Governor?
➵ Did any central characters die in that 12 that Hershel mentions?
➵ Is Rick still broken?
➵ Is Daryl the new leader?
➵ What’s up with Tyreese?
➵ Where the eff are they going to go if they leave the damn prison?

The Walking Dead Season 4 Poster - Alex RossHere’s a quote from the official release from AMC today. (click here to read the full release)…

In the highly anticipated new season, we find Rick and the group fostering a thriving community in the safe haven of the prison. Sadly, in this brutal world, happiness is short-lived and walkers and outside threats are no match for danger brewing inside the fences. The group’s home and new way of life will be thoroughly tested, and their struggle to survive has never been so perilous.  

It certainly sounds like it’s going to be an exciting season of TV. In total we’ll get 16 episodes, 8 in the first half and then 8 in the 2nd half, starting sometime in February. I’m going to guess the 9th, 1 week after the Super Bowl and 1 week before Valentine’s Day. 

Here’s hoping that season 4 of the post-apocalyptic zombie slugfest keeps us all on the edge of our seats. Fans know that they should never get comfortable because that’s when you get surprised with a huge event that breaks your heart. 

It’s just under 3 months away, so rest up, watch the first 3 seasons over again, talk to your friends about what you all think might be coming up and make sure that you have popcorn in the cupboard when the big day arrives. 

Be awesome kids!