Monthly Archives: October 2013

Win a Pair of Tickets to the ArtBomb Art Marketplace at The Spoke Club

ArtBomb Spoke Club Contest Header


Our friends at ArtBomb are back with something awesome for Art Lovers in Toronto!

On November 7th, ArtBomb will be hosting their Art Marketplace event at The Spoke Club (600 King Street West, Toronto) at 7pm.

They are inviting all of Toronto’s art lovers to Join them for an evening of art and excitement. You will be welcomed at the door with one (1) of seventy-five (75) pieces of original art that have been commissioned for this event by some of Canada’s most beloved artists. The Spoke Club will be converted into a marketplace moderated by auctioneer Stephen Ranger.

Throughout the evening you are encouraged to trade your art with other guests in order to collect the perfect new piece for your personal collection! All 75 of the pieces are now being exhibited online for your viewing pleasure and research.

Tickets for the event are available for $59 online.

Artbomb Art Marketplace at The Spoke Club PostHOWEVER, ArtBomb is giving away 2 tickets to the event right now with a Facebook contest!

All you have to do is click some links, like the page and BAM, you’re entered to win!

It’s that easy. And if you win you are guaranteed to come home with a brand new piece of Canadian Art for your home. It’s a pretty sweet deal.

This is going to be a great night with some gorgeous art and a lot of people to trade pieces with. The odds that you come home with art that you love are very high. Like really. 

ArtBomb has been growing their community consistently since they launched in late 2011 and now that they have gone Coast to Coast in Canada and have launched in New York City, they want to extend that community even more. 

This is a great little contest that’s easy to enter and is going to give someone the chance to bring a friend to a really cool event. I may not know a lot about art, but I do know that the people who love it, really love it.

Who knows, maybe I’ll even see you there!

Good luck.

And in case you didn’t see the other link, CLICK HERE TO ENTER!

The Walking Dead Season 4 – Tonight on AMC!

The Walking Dead Season 4 Facebook Cover Photo

It’s back…

After months of waiting the countdown is over and there will finally be zombies back on AMC when The Walking Dead Season 4 premieres tonight at 9pm.

There are a lot of questions coming into the new season… a lot of them come from the season preview trailer.

When does the Governor come back?

Is someone hitting the prison from the inside?

Who’s the first of the group to die?

Is Rick still crazy?

How is Daryl coping with the loss of Merle?

Where did Hershel’s new leg come from?

And that’s just the start.

I’ve been checking out the AMC website for photos and such that wouldn’t spoil the 1st episode or the season for me – but still get me excited for the action. You can find their entire selection here… But here are some that I’ve pulled to share with you the easy way.

Hershel and Rick The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Tyreese TWD Season 4 Preview
Daryl and Carol The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview

Glenn and Maggie The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview

Now, I want to know a couple things based on these photos… Where the heck did Hershel get a new leg? Was there a prosthetic in Woodbury? Did someone try some experimental surgery? How hard was the rehab of learning to walk again? Is Hershel combat ready again?

Is Tyreese taking a lead role in the protection of the group? Is he mentally capable of dealing with the leadership needs in the shit storm that is coming? Can he take it without breaking down? He doesn’t like the hard, bad, mean decisions like the ones the Governor made in Season 3. Will Rick’s calls be easier to stomach in Season 4?

Will Daryl and Carol finally tell each other that they are awesome and be in love already? She clearly makes him a better human and he makes her feel good instead of bad like Ed did for so long in her life. Geez, what a no-brainer.

And are Glenn and Maggie having a baby or is that just a hug? Will Judith have a little boyfriend by the end of the season/start of 5? Is Beth going to turn into the busiest babysitter in the post-Zombie Apocalypse era?

We know that the group is much, much larger now. That means that the need for supplies has grown and we can see from the photos and videos that there is some farming going on and I’m sure more runs are being taken to search the area.

But it also means they are easier to hit and hurt. And that’s where the early conflict will come from. People will die. That’s how this show works. And it looks like Rick is going to play a little bit of detective to try and figure out who dunnit and how. The why could be a lot of things. My top guess is someone loyal to the Governor trying to take everyone down from the inside.

I don’t know about you, but I sure am ready for this season of TV zombie killing to start.

Enjoy it kids.

And before you go, here are some more pics courtesy of and The Walking Dead’s Facebook Page
Glenn and Maggie The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Daryl and Michonne The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Michonne The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Rick and Carl The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Rick and Fence Walkers The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
Rick and Fence Walkers The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview
The Walking Dead Cast
The Walking Dead Cast

NFL Week 6 Picks!

DeMarcus Ware Hits RGIII Hard!Happy Thanksgiving Canada, and happy Week 6 to everyone!

This week I got back on track by winning the Thursday game – I’m sorry Giants fans… I really don’t like you because of the whole divisional rivalry thing – but 0-6 hurts bad.

Speaking of hurting… after a good start to my pool season I’ve seen a sharp drop off. I’m only 4 games off the lead and 1st place – but it feels like 10.

Here’s hoping that I grab 10-12 wins this week and get back on track again.

Also, big ups to Tony Romo’s Week 5 numbers. I know the end was a heartbreaker for Cowboys fans. But man, what a game!

Let’s take a look at my full list of Week 6 picks before I start eating turkey and cranberries.

Phjoshua’s NFL Week 6 Picks

☞ Chicago
☞ Cincinnati
☞ Detroit
☞ Kansas City
☞ Carolina
☞ New York Jets
☞ Philadelphia
☞ Green Bay
☞ Houston
☞ Denver
☞ Seattle
☞ New Orleans
☞ San Francisco
☞ Indianapolis
☞ Byes: Atlanta, Miami

Note: Go Cowboys!

It’s going to be an interesting week.

How many points will Denver win by against Jacksonville?

Can the Cowboys win at home and take back 1st place in the division?

What will Josh Freeman look like in a Vikings uniform?

Can New Orleans win on the road against New England? (I Hope So!)

Here’s hoping that you enjoy the games and have some luck with your picks. Unless you’re in my pool – then I hope you’re wrong every time you pick against me.

Enjoy the football.

Be awesome!

NFL Week 5 Picks!

Peyton Manning vs Tony Romo - NFL Week 5Welcome to week 5!

To start, I need to confess that I am not happy about losing on my Thursday night pick for the first time this season. It sucked. And it sucked even more for the Bills who lost the game and quarterback EJ Manuel with an LCL sprain…

Next, I need to express my desire to have a bounce back week after winning only 9 games in week 4 and dropping to 4th in the pool. Yes, I’m only 2 wins off the top, but it was still a crappy week for picking winners. Week 5 has gotta be better kids. It’s gotta be!

So, here’s hoping that these picks are more… winning.

Note: Dear Tony, please win today. It would be awesome and everyone would talk about you being elite and the team being on track to win the division. Thank you.

Phjoshua's NFL Week 5 Picks

☞ New Orleans
☞ New England
☞ Green Bay
☞ Kansas City
☞ Seattle
☞ St. Louis
☞ Miami
☞ NY Giants
☞ Carolina
☞ San Francisco
☞ San Diego
☞ Atlanta
☞ Byes: Minnesota, Pittsburgh, Tampa Bay, Washington

Note: Go Cowboys!

So there you have it, my picks are in for week 5. I hope that we’re all better off because of them.

And I hope that Josh Freeman finds a job soon. Maybe Buffalo should give him a call.

As always, please remember, it’s all fun and games until you lose a ton of money. So play smart and within your limits.

Good luck to everyone not in my pool.

Enjoy the football.

Be awesome!